

A new methodology for photometric validation in vehicles visual interactive systems

13 years 7 months ago
A new methodology for photometric validation in vehicles visual interactive systems
This work proposes a new methodology for automatically validating the internal lighting system of an automotive, i.e., assessing the visual quality of an instrument cluster (IC) from the point of view of the user. Although the evaluation of the visual quality of a component is a subjective matter, it is highly influenced by some photometric features of the component, such as the light intensity distribution. The methodology proposed here uses this last photometric feature to classify regions in images of instrument cluster components as homogenous or not, while also taking into account the user subjective evaluation. In order to achieve that, we acquired a set of 107 IC component images, and preprocessed them. These same components were evaluated by a user to identify their non-homogenous regions. Then, for each component region, we extracted a set of homogeneity descriptors. These descriptors were associated with the results of the user evaluation, and given to two machine learning a...
Alexandre W. C. Faria, David Menotti, Daniel S. D.
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SAC
Authors Alexandre W. C. Faria, David Menotti, Daniel S. D. Lara, Gisele L. Pappa, Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo
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