

Nonparametric Regression between General Riemannian Manifolds

13 years 7 months ago
Nonparametric Regression between General Riemannian Manifolds
We study nonparametric regression between Riemannian manifolds based on regularized empirical risk minimization. Regularization functionals for mappings between manifolds should respect the geometry of input and output manifold and be independent of the chosen parametrization of the manifolds. We define and analyze the three most simple regularization functionals with these properties and present a rather general scheme for solving the resulting optimization problem. As application examples we discuss interpolation on the sphere, fingerprint processing, and correspondence computations between three-dimensional surfaces. We conclude with characterizing interesting and sometimes counterintuitive implications and new open problems that are specific to learning between Riemannian manifolds and are not encountered in multivariate regression in Euclidean space. Key words. harmonic map, biharmonic map, Eells energy, regularized empirical risk minimization, thin-plate spline AMS subject classi...
Florian Steinke, Matthias Hein, Bernhard Schö
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Florian Steinke, Matthias Hein, Bernhard Schölkopf
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