

Optimal Portfolio Execution Strategies and Sensitivity to Price Impact Parameters

13 years 9 months ago
Optimal Portfolio Execution Strategies and Sensitivity to Price Impact Parameters
When liquidating a portfolio of large blocks of risky assets, an institutional investor wants to minimize the cost as well as the risk of execution. An optimal execution strategy minimizes a weighted combination of the expected value and the variance of the execution cost, where the weight is given by a nonnegative risk aversion parameter. The execution cost is determined from price impact functions. In particular, a linear price impact model is defined by the temporary impact matrix and the permanent impact matrix , which represent the expected price depression caused by trading assets at a unit rate. In this paper, we analyze the sensitivity of the optimal execution strategy to estimation errors in the impact matrices under a linear price impact model. We show that, instead of depending on and individually, the optimal execution strategy is determined by the combined impact matrix = 1 + T - , where is the time length between consecutive trades. We prove that the minimum expecte...
Somayeh Moazeni, Thomas F. Coleman, Yuying Li
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Somayeh Moazeni, Thomas F. Coleman, Yuying Li
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