


13 years 10 months ago
This demonstration presents Crescando, an implementation of a distributed relational table that guarantees predictable response time on unpredictable workloads. In Crescando, data is stored in main memory and accessed via full-table scans. By using scans instead of index lookups, Crescando overcomes the read-write contention in index structures and eliminates the scalability issues that exist in traditional index-based systems. Crescando is specifically designed to process a large number of queries in parallel, allowing high query rates. The goal of this demonstration is to show the ability of Crescando to a) quickly answer arbitrary usergenerated queries, and b) execute a large number of queries and updates in parallel, while providing strict response time and data freshness guarantees. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems--Parallel databases, Query processing, Distributed databases General Terms Experimentation, Performance, Measurement Keywords Ma...
Georgios Giannikis, Philipp Unterbrunner, Jeremy M
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Georgios Giannikis, Philipp Unterbrunner, Jeremy Meyer, Gustavo Alonso, Dietmar Fauser, Donald Kossmann
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