

Sensor Placement for Triangulation-Based Localization

13 years 9 months ago
Sensor Placement for Triangulation-Based Localization
Robots operating in a workspace can localize themselves by querying nodes of a sensor-network deployed in the same workspace. This paper addresses the problem of computing the minimum number and placement of sensors so that the localization uncertainty at every point in the workspace is less than a given threshold. We focus on triangulation based state estimation where measurements from two sensors must be combined for an estimate. We show that the general problem for arbitrary uncertainty models is computationally hard, and present approximation algorithms for two geometric instances. For the general problem, we present a solution framework based on integer linear programming and demonstrate its practical feasibility with simulations.
Onur Tekdas, Volkan Isler
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TASE
Authors Onur Tekdas, Volkan Isler
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