

The PROBE Framework for the Personalized Cloaking of Private Locations

13 years 9 months ago
The PROBE Framework for the Personalized Cloaking of Private Locations
The widespread adoption of location-based services (LBS) raises increasing concerns for the protection of personal location information. A common strategy, referred to as obfuscation (or cloaking), to protect location privacy is based on forwarding the LBS provider a coarse user location instead of the actual user location. Conventional approaches, based on such technique, are however based only on geometric methods and therefore are unable to assure privacy when the adversary is aware of the geographical context, in particular of the semantic locations and the statistical distribution of positions in the given space. This paper provides a comprehensive solution to this problem. We present a novel privacy model and an architectural framework for the personalized cloaking of semantic locations. In our model, a cloaked location is an uncertainty region which satisfies the privacy constraints specified by the user in the privacy profile(obfuscated location). We propose a strategy for gene...
Maria Luisa Damiani, Elisa Bertino, Claudio Silves
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TDP
Authors Maria Luisa Damiani, Elisa Bertino, Claudio Silvestri
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