

Fuzzy Filtering for Physiological Signal Analysis

13 years 7 months ago
Fuzzy Filtering for Physiological Signal Analysis
This study suggests the use of fuzzy-filtering algorithms to deal with the uncertainties associated to the analysis of physiological signals. The signal characteristics, for a given situation or physiological state, vary for an individual over time and also vary among the individuals with the same state. These random variations are due to the several factors related to the physiological behavior of individuals, which cannot be taken into account in the interpretation of signal characteristics. Our approach is to reduce the effect of random variations on the analysis of signal characteristics via filtering out randomness or uncertainty from the signal using a nonlinear fuzzy filter. A fuzzy-filtering algorithm, which is based on a modification of filtering algorithm of Kumar et al. [M. Kumar, N. Stoll, and R. Stoll, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 150
Mohit Kumar, Matthias Weippert, Dagmar Arndt, Stef
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TFS
Authors Mohit Kumar, Matthias Weippert, Dagmar Arndt, Steffi Kreuzfeld, Kerstin Thurow, Norbert Stoll, Regina Stoll
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