

A Distributed Topological Camera Network Representation for Tracking Applications

13 years 9 months ago
A Distributed Topological Camera Network Representation for Tracking Applications
Abstract--Sensor networks have been widely used for surveillance, monitoring, and tracking. Camera networks, in particular, provide a large amount of information that has traditionally been processed in a centralized manner employing a priori knowledge of camera location and of the physical layout of the environment. Unfortunately, these conventional requirements are far too demanding for ad-hoc distributed networks. In this article, we present a simplicial representation of a camera network called the camera network complex (CN-complex), that accurately captures topological information about the visual coverage of the network. This representation provides a coordinate-free calibration of the sensor network and demands no localization of the cameras or objects in the environment. A distributed, robust algorithm, validated via two experimental setups, is presented for the construction of the representation using only binary detection information. We demonstrate the utility of this repre...
Edgar J. Lobaton, Ramanarayan Vasudevan, Ruzena Ba
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIP
Authors Edgar J. Lobaton, Ramanarayan Vasudevan, Ruzena Bajcsy, Shankar Sastry
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