

Random access in wireless networks with overlapping cells

13 years 9 months ago
Random access in wireless networks with overlapping cells
We study cellular-like wireless networks in which the cells may overlap substantially, and a common channel is used for all cells. Thus, transmissions intended for one destination (or base station) can cause interference at neighboring destinations. We assume the use of a "collision-channel" model, in which arbitrary communication and interference regions are associated with each destination. The interaction between such cells is best exemplified if the protocol of access in each cell is pure random access, i.e., Slotted Aloha. We derive a mathematical formula for the maximum achievable throughput for multiple-cell networks that satisfy a "balance" condition, which is related to (but not as stringent as) symmetry. This formula implies that the throughput achieved in a cell is affected only by the degree of overlap with adjacent cells, i.e., a cell's throughput is not affected by transmissions that are outside of its interference region. Moreover, we show that, ...
Gam D. Nguyen, Jeffrey E. Wieselthier, Anthony Eph
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIT
Authors Gam D. Nguyen, Jeffrey E. Wieselthier, Anthony Ephremides
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