

On the information rates of the plenoptic function

13 years 9 months ago
On the information rates of the plenoptic function
The plenoptic function (Adelson and Bergen, 91) describes the visual information available to an observer at any point in space and time. Samples of the plenoptic function (POF) are seen in video and in general visual content, and represent large amounts of information. In this paper we propose a stochastic model to study the compression limits of the plenoptic function. In the proposed framework, we isolate the two fundamental sources of information in the POF: the one representing the camera motion and the other representing the information complexity of the "reality" being acquired and transmitted. The sources of information are combined, generating a stochastic process that we study in detail. We first propose a model for ensembles of realities that do not change over time. The proposed model is simple in that it enables us to derive precise coding bounds in the information-theoretic sense that are sharp in a number of cases of practical interest. For this simple case of...
Arthur L. da Cunha, Minh N. Do, Martin Vetterli
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIT
Authors Arthur L. da Cunha, Minh N. Do, Martin Vetterli
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