

Data-Centric Privacy Protocol for Intensive Care Grids

13 years 9 months ago
Data-Centric Privacy Protocol for Intensive Care Grids
Abstract--Modern e-Health systems require advanced computing and storage capabilities, leading to the adoption of technologies like the grid and giving birth to novel health grid systems. In particular, intensive care medicine uses this paradigm when facing a high flow of data coming from intensive care unit's (ICU) inpatients just like demonstrated by the ICGrid system prototyped by the University of Cyprus. Unfortunately, moving an ICU patient's data from the traditionally isolated hospital's computing facilities to data grids via public networks (i.e., the Internet) makes it imperative to establish an integral and standardized security solution to avoid common attacks on the data and metadata being managed. Particular emphasis must be put on the patient's personal data, the protection of which is required by legislations in many countries of the European Union and the world in general. In this paper, we extend our previous research with the following contribution...
J. Luna, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Manolis Marazakis, T
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TITB
Authors J. Luna, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Manolis Marazakis, Theodoros Kyprianou
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