

Passive Diagnosis for Wireless Sensor Networks

13 years 9 months ago
Passive Diagnosis for Wireless Sensor Networks
Network diagnosis, an essential research topic for traditional networking systems, has not received much attention for wireless sensor networks. Existing sensor debugging tools like sympathy or EmStar rely heavily on an add-in protocol that generates and reports a large amount of status information from individual sensor nodes, introducing network overhead to a resource constrained and usually traffic sensitive sensor network. We report in this study our initial attempt at providing a light-weight network diagnosis mechanism for sensor networks. We propose PAD, a probabilistic diagnosis approach for inferring the root causes of abnormal phenomena. PAD employs a packet marking algorithm for efficiently constructing and dynamically maintaining the inference model. Our approach does not incur additional traffic overhead for collecting desired information. Instead, we introduce a probabilistic inference model which encodes internal dependencies among different network elements, for online...
Yunhao Liu, Kebin Liu, Mo Li
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TON
Authors Yunhao Liu, Kebin Liu, Mo Li
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