

A Benchmark Diagnostic Model Generation System

13 years 7 months ago
A Benchmark Diagnostic Model Generation System
Abstract--It is critical to use automated generators for synthetic models and data, given the sparsity of benchmark models for empirical analysis and the cost of generating models by hand. We describe an automated generator for benchmark models that is based on using a compositional modeling framework and employs graphical models for the system topology. We propose a three-step process for synthetic model generation: (1) domain analysis; (2) topology generation; and (3) system-level functional model generation. To demonstrate our approach on two highly different domains, we generate models using this process for circuits drawn from the ISCAS benchmark suite and a processcontrol system. We then analyze the synthetic models according to two criteria: topological fidelity and diagnostics efficiency. Based on this comparison we identify parameters necessary for the auto-generated models to generate benchmark diagnosis circuit and process-control models with realistic properties.
Jun Wang, Gregory M. Provan
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSMC
Authors Jun Wang, Gregory M. Provan
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