

Interactive Teaching for Vision-Based Mobile Robots: A Sensory-Motor Approach

13 years 9 months ago
Interactive Teaching for Vision-Based Mobile Robots: A Sensory-Motor Approach
Abstract--For the last decade, we have developed a visionbased architecture for mobile robot navigation. Our bio-inspired model of the navigation has proved to achieve sensory-motor tasks in real time in unknown indoor as well as outdoor environments. We address here the problem of the autonomous incremental learning of a sensory-motor task, demonstrated by an operator guiding the robot. The proposed system enables a semi-supervision of the task learning and is able to adapt the environmental partitioning to the complexity of the desired behavior. A real dialogue based on actions emerges from the interactive teaching. The interaction leads the robot to autonomously build a precise sensory-motor dynamics that approximates the behavior of the teacher. The usability of the system is highlighted by experiments on real robots, in both indoor and outdoor environments. Accuracy measures are also proposed in order to evaluate the learned behavior as compared to the expected behavioral attracto...
Christophe Giovannangeli, Philippe Gaussier
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSMC
Authors Christophe Giovannangeli, Philippe Gaussier
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