

Influencing Agent Group Behavior by Adjusting Cultural Trait Values

13 years 9 months ago
Influencing Agent Group Behavior by Adjusting Cultural Trait Values
Social reasoning and norms among individuals that share cultural traits are largely fashioned by those traits. We have explored predominant sociological and cultural traits. We offer a methodology for parametrically adjusting relevant traits. This exploratory study heralds a capability to deliberately tune cultural group traits in order to produce a desired group behavior. To validate our methodology, we implemented a prototypical-agentbased simulated test bed for demonstrating an exemplar from intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance scenario. A group of simulated agents traverses a hostile territory while a user adjusts their cultural group trait settings. Group and individual utilities are dynamically observed against parametric values for the selected traits. Uncertainty avoidance index and individualism are the cultural traits we examined in depth. Upon the user's training of the correspondence between cultural values and system utilities, users deliberately produce the...
Gaurav Tuli, Henry Hexmoor
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSMC
Authors Gaurav Tuli, Henry Hexmoor
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