

Compressed sensing performance bounds under Poisson noise

13 years 9 months ago
Compressed sensing performance bounds under Poisson noise
Abstract--This paper describes performance bounds for compressed sensing (CS) where the underlying sparse or compressible (sparsely approximable) signal is a vector of nonnegative intensities whose measurements are corrupted by Poisson noise. In this setting, standard CS techniques cannot be applied directly for several reasons. First, the usual signal-independent and/or bounded noise models do not apply to Poisson noise, which is nonadditive and signal-dependent. Second, the CS matrices typically considered are not feasible in real optical systems because they do not adhere to important constraints, such as nonnegativity and photon flux preservation. Third, the typical `2 0`1 minimization leads to overfitting in the high-intensity regions and oversmoothing in the low-intensity areas. In this paper, we describe how a feasible positivity- and flux-preserving sensing matrix can be constructed, and then analyze the performance of a CS reconstruction approach for Poisson data that minimize...
Maxim Raginsky, Rebecca Willett, Zachary T. Harman
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSP
Authors Maxim Raginsky, Rebecca Willett, Zachary T. Harmany, Roummel F. Marcia
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