

Random access transport capacity

13 years 7 months ago
Random access transport capacity
Abstract--We develop a new metric for quantifying end-toend throughput in multihop wireless networks, which we term random access transport capacity, since the interference model presumes uncoordinated transmissions. The metric quantifies the average maximum rate of successful end-to-end transmissions, multiplied by the communication distance, and normalized by the network area. We show that a simple upper bound on this quantity is computable in closed-form in terms of key network parameters when the number of retransmissions is not restricted and the hops are assumed to be equally spaced on a line between the source and destination. We also derive the optimum number of hops and optimal per hop success probability and show that our result follows the well-known square root scaling law while providing exact expressions for the preconstants, which contain most of the design-relevant network parameters. Numerical results demonstrate that the upper bound is accurate for the purpose of dete...
Jeffrey G. Andrews, Steven Weber, Marios Kountouri
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TWC
Authors Jeffrey G. Andrews, Steven Weber, Marios Kountouris, Martin Haenggi
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