

Channel Diversity in Random Wireless Networks

13 years 10 months ago
Channel Diversity in Random Wireless Networks
The goal of this paper is to explore the benefits of channel diversity in wireless ad hoc networks. Our model is that of a Poisson point process of transmitters, each with a receiver at a given distance. A packet is divided in blocks which are transmitted over different subbands that are determined by random frequency hopping. At the receiver, a maximum-likelihood decoder is employed to estimate the transmitted packet/codeword. We find that, if L is the Hamming distance of the employed error correction code and is a constraint on the packet error probability, the transmission capacity of the network is proportional to 1/L , when 0. The proportionality constant depends on the geometry of the symbol constellation, the packet length and the number of receive antennas. This result implies that, at the cost of a moderate decoding complexity, large gains can be achieved by a simple interference randomization scheme during packet transmission. We also address practical issues such as chan...
Kostas Stamatiou, John G. Proakis, James R. Zeidle
Added 23 May 2011
Updated 23 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TWC
Authors Kostas Stamatiou, John G. Proakis, James R. Zeidler
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