

Adaptive linearly constrained minimum variance beamforming for multiuser cooperative relaying using the kalman filter

13 years 9 months ago
Adaptive linearly constrained minimum variance beamforming for multiuser cooperative relaying using the kalman filter
In this paper, we consider a wireless communication scenario with multiple source-destination pairs communicating through several cooperative amplify-and-forward relay terminals. The relays are equipped with multiple antennas that receive the source signals and transmit them to the destination nodes. We develop two iterative relay beamforming algorithms that can be applied in real-time. In both algorithms, the relay beamforming matrices are jointly designed by minimizing the received power at all the destination nodes while preserving the desired signal at each destination. The first algorithm requires the existence of a local processing center that computes the beamforming coefficients of all the relays. In the second algorithm, each relay can compute its beamforming coefficients locally with the help of some common information that is broadcasted from the other relays. This is achieved at the expense of enforcing the desired signal preservation constraints non-cooperatively. We provi...
Amr El-Keyi, Benoît Champagne
Added 23 May 2011
Updated 23 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TWC
Authors Amr El-Keyi, Benoît Champagne
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