

Anatomical Volume Visualization with Weighted Distance Fields

13 years 9 months ago
Anatomical Volume Visualization with Weighted Distance Fields
We describe the use of the weighted distance transform (WDT) to enhance applications designed for volume visualization of segmented anatomical datasets. The WDT is presented as a general technique to generate a derived characteristic of a scalar field that can be used in multiple ways during rendering. We obtain real-time interaction with the volume by calculating the WDT on the graphics card. Several examples of this technique as it applies to an application for teaching anatomical structures are detailed, including rendering embedded structures, fuzzy boundaries, outlining, and indirect lighting estimation.
Thomas Kerwin, Brad Hittle, Han-Wei Shen, Don Stre
Added 23 May 2011
Updated 23 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where VCBM
Authors Thomas Kerwin, Brad Hittle, Han-Wei Shen, Don Stredney, Gregory J. Wiet
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