

Online scheduling of weighted equal-length jobs with hard deadlines on parallel machines

13 years 8 months ago
Online scheduling of weighted equal-length jobs with hard deadlines on parallel machines
We consider the problem of scheduling a maximum profit selection of equal length jobs on m identical machines. Jobs arrive online over time and the goal is to determine a non-preemptive schedule which maximizes the total profit of the scheduled jobs. Let the common processing requirement of the jobs be p > 0. For each job ji, i = 1, . . . , n we are given a release time ri (at which the job becomes known) and a deadline ri + p + δi. If the job is scheduled and completed before the deadline, a profit of wi is earned. Upon arrival of a new job, an online algorithm must decide whether to accept the job or not. In case of acceptance, the online algorithms must provide a feasible starting date for the job. Competitive analysis has become a standard way of measuring the quality of online algorithms. For a maximization problem, an online algorithm is called ccompetitive, if on every input instance it achieves at least a 1/c-fraction of the optimal (“offline”) profit. We give lowe...
Sven Oliver Krumke, Alfred Taudes, Stephan Westpha
Added 28 May 2011
Updated 28 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where COR
Authors Sven Oliver Krumke, Alfred Taudes, Stephan Westphal
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