

Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography

13 years 9 months ago
Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography
—This paper introduces two real-time elastography techniques based on analytic minimization (AM) of regularized cost functions. The first method (1D AM) produces axial strain and integer lateral displacement, while the second method (2D AM) produces both axial and lateral strains. The cost functions incorporate similarity of RF data intensity and displacement continuity, making both AM methods robust to small decorrelations present throughout the image. We also exploit techniques from robust statistics to make the methods resistant to large local decorrelations. We further introduce Kalman filtering for calculating the strain field from the displacement field given by the AM methods. Simulation and phantom experiments show that both methods generate strain images with high SNR, CNR and resolution. Both methods work for strains as high as 10% and run in real-time. We also present in-vivo patient trials of ablation monitoring. An implementation of the 2D AM method as well as phanto...
Hassan Rivaz, Emad Boctor, Michael A. Choti, Grego
Added 29 May 2011
Updated 29 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where TMI
Authors Hassan Rivaz, Emad Boctor, Michael A. Choti, Gregory D. Hager
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