

Detection of objects in noisy images and site percolation on square lattices

13 years 8 months ago
Detection of objects in noisy images and site percolation on square lattices
Abstract: We propose a novel probabilistic method for detection of objects in noisy images. The method uses results from percolation and random graph theories. We present an algorithm that allows to detect objects of unknown shapes in the presence of random noise. Our procedure substantially differs from wavelets-based algorithms. The algorithm has linear complexity and exponential accuracy and is appropriate for real-time systems. We prove results on consistency and algorithmic complexity of our procedure. Keywords and phrases: Image analysis, signal detection, image reconstruction, percolation, noisy image.
Mikhail A. Langovoy, Olaf Wittich
Added 31 May 2011
Updated 31 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Mikhail A. Langovoy, Olaf Wittich
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