

A modified MAP criterion based on hidden Markov model for voice activity detecion

13 years 6 months ago
A modified MAP criterion based on hidden Markov model for voice activity detecion
The maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion is broadly used in the statistical model-based voice activity detection (VAD) approaches. In the conventional MAP criterion, however, the inter-frame correlation of the voice activity is not taken into consideration. In this paper, we proposes a novel modified MAP criterion based on a two-state hidden Markov model (HMM) to improve the performance of the VAD, and the the inter-frame correlation of the voice activity is modeled. With the proposed MAP criterion, the decision rule is derived by explicitly incorporating the a priori, a posteriori, and inter-frame correlation information into the likelihood ratio test (LRT). In the LRT, a compensation factor for the hypothesis of speech presence is used to regulate the trade-off between the probability of detection and the false alarm probability. Experimental results show the superiority of the VAD algorithm based on the proposed MAP criterion in comparison with that based on the recent conditional...
Shiwen Deng, Jiqing Han, Tieran Zheng, Guibin Zhen
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Shiwen Deng, Jiqing Han, Tieran Zheng, Guibin Zheng
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