

Bayesian integration of audio and visual information for multi-target tracking using a CB-member filter

13 years 6 months ago
Bayesian integration of audio and visual information for multi-target tracking using a CB-member filter
A new method is presented for integration of audio and visual information in multiple target tracking applications. The proposed approach uses a Bayesian filtering formulation and exploits multi-Bernoulli random finite set approximations. The work presented in this paper is the first principled Bayesian estimation approach to solve the sensor fusion problems that involve intermittent sensory data (e.g. audio data for a person who occasionally speaks.) We have examined our method with case studies from the SPEVI database. The results show nearly perfect tracking of people not only when they are silent but also when they are not visible to the camera (but speaking).
Reza Hoseinnezhad, Ba-Ngu Vo, Ba-Tuong Vo, David S
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Reza Hoseinnezhad, Ba-Ngu Vo, Ba-Tuong Vo, David Suter
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