

Robust parametrization for non-destructive evaluation of composites using ultrasonic signals

13 years 6 months ago
Robust parametrization for non-destructive evaluation of composites using ultrasonic signals
Anticipating and characterizing damages in layered carbon fiberreinforced polymers is a challenging problem. Non-destructive evaluation using ultrasonic signals is a well-established method to obtain physically relevant parameters to characterize damages in isotropic homogeneous materials. However, ultrasonic signals obtained from composites require special care in signal interpretation due to their structural complexity. In this paper, some enhancements on the interpretation are done by adapting classical parametrization techniques to extract relevant features from the ultrasonic signals. Thus, a cepstral-based feature extractor is firstly designed and optimized by using a classification system based on cepstral distances. Then, this feature extractor is applied in an analysis-by-synthesis scheme which, by using a numerical model of the specimen, infers the values of the damage parameters.
Nicolas Bochud, Angel M. Gomez, Guillermo Rus, Jos
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Nicolas Bochud, Angel M. Gomez, Guillermo Rus, José L. Carmona, Antonio M. Peinado
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