

Providing Security in 4G Systems: Unveiling the Challenges

13 years 4 months ago
Providing Security in 4G Systems: Unveiling the Challenges
— Several research groups are working on designing new security architectures for 4G networks such as Hokey and Y-Comm. Since designing an efficient security module requires a clear identification of potential threats, this paper attempts to outline the security challenges in 4G networks. A good way to achieve this is by investigating the possibility of extending current security mechanisms to 4G networks. Therefore, this paper uses the X.805 standard to investigate the possibility of implementing the 3G’s Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) protocol in a 4G communication framework such as YComm. The results show that due to the fact that 4G is an open, heterogeneous and IP-based environment, it will suffer from new security threats as well as inherent ones. In order to address these threats without affecting 4G dynamics, Y-Comm proposes an integrated security module to protect data and security models to target security on different entities and hence protecting not only the da...
Mahdi Aiash, Glenford E. Mapp, Aboubaker Lasebae,
Added 23 Aug 2011
Updated 23 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where AICT
Authors Mahdi Aiash, Glenford E. Mapp, Aboubaker Lasebae, Raphael Chung-Wei Phan
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