

Turbo reconstruction of structured sparse signals

13 years 6 months ago
Turbo reconstruction of structured sparse signals
—This paper considers the reconstruction of structured-sparse signals from noisy linear observations. In particular, the support of the signal coefficients is parameterized by hidden binary pattern, and a structured probabilistic prior (e.g., Markov random chain/field/tree) is assumed on the pattern. Exact inference is discussed and an approximate inference scheme, based on loopy belief propagation (BP), is proposed. The proposed scheme iterates between exploitation of the observation-structure and exploitation of the pattern-structure, and is closely related to noncoherent turbo equalization, as used in digital communication receivers. An algorithm that exploits the observation structure is then detailed based on approximate message passing ideas. The application of EXIT charts is discussed, and empirical phase transition plots are calculated for Markov-chain structured sparsity.1
Philip Schniter
Added 23 Aug 2011
Updated 23 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CISS
Authors Philip Schniter
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