

On performance evaluation of cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks

13 years 6 months ago
On performance evaluation of cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
—This paper presents the system level performance evaluation for energy-detection based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. Three performance criteria are quantitively analyzed for cooperative spectrum sensing. First, the average error probability is determined given fixed amplifier gains for a fixed number of secondary users by considering all possible channel realizations. Second, the asymptotic error probability is computed in a power constrained cognitive radio network when the number of secondary user approaches infinity. Third, the outage probability is examined when instantaneous error probability is greater than a predefined threshold. In all three calculations, both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading assumptions are used to capture the observation and fusion channels. Numerical results indicate that in order to maintain a desired detection performance in low and moderate fusion signal to noise ratio (SNR) regimes, fusion chann...
Gang Xiong, Shalinee Kishore, Aylin Yener
Added 23 Aug 2011
Updated 23 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CISS
Authors Gang Xiong, Shalinee Kishore, Aylin Yener
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