

A structured parallel periodic Arnoldi shooting algorithm for RF-PSS analysis based on GPU platforms

13 years 6 months ago
A structured parallel periodic Arnoldi shooting algorithm for RF-PSS analysis based on GPU platforms
The recent multi/many-core CPUs or GPUs have provided an ideal parallel computing platform to accelerate the timeconsuming analysis of radio-frequency/millimeter-wave (RF/ MM) integrated circuit (IC). This paper develops a structured shooting algorithm that can fully take advantage of parallelism in periodic steady state (PSS) analysis. Utilizing periodic structure of the state matrix of RF/ MM-IC simulation, a cyclic-block-structured shooting-Newton method has been parallelized and mapped onto recent GPU platforms. We first present the formulation of the parallel cyclicblock-structured shooting-Newton algorithm, called periodic Arnoldi shooting method. Then we will present its parallel implementation details on GPU. Results from several industrial examples show that the structured parallel shootingNewton method on Tesla’s GPU can lead to speedups of more than 20× compared to the state-of-the-art implicit GMRES methods under the same accuracy on the CPU.
Xuexin Liu, Hao Yu, Jacob Relles, Sheldon X.-D. Ta
Added 24 Aug 2011
Updated 24 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Xuexin Liu, Hao Yu, Jacob Relles, Sheldon X.-D. Tan
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