

Knowing funny: genre perception and categorization in social video sharing

13 years 5 months ago
Knowing funny: genre perception and categorization in social video sharing
Categorization of online videos is often treated as a tag suggestion task; tags can be generated by individuals or by machine classification. In this paper, we suggest categorization can be determined socially, based on people’s interactions around media content without recourse to metadata that are intrinsic to the media object itself. This work bridges the gap between the human perception of genre and automatic categorization of genre in classifying online videos. We present findings from two internet surveys and from follow-up interviews where we address how people determine genre classification for videos and how social framing of video content can alter the perception and categorization of that content. From these findings, we train a Naive Bayes classifier to predict genre categories. The trained classifier achieved 82% accuracy using only social action data, without the use of content or media-specific metadata. We conclude with implications on how we categorize and or...
Jude Yew, David A. Shamma, Elizabeth F. Churchill
Added 25 Aug 2011
Updated 25 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CHI
Authors Jude Yew, David A. Shamma, Elizabeth F. Churchill
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