

Visual Exploration of Health Information for Children

13 years 5 months ago
Visual Exploration of Health Information for Children
Abstract. Children experience several difficulties retrieving information using current Information Retrieval (IR) systems. Particularly, children struggle to find the right keywords to construct queries given their lack of domain knowledge. This problem is even more critical in the case of the specialized health domain. In this work we present a novel method to address this problem using a cross-media search interface in which the textual data is searched through visual images. This solution aims to solve the recall and recognition problem which is salient for health information, by replacing the need for a vocabulary with the easy task of recognising the different body parts.
Frans van der Sluis, Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd
Added 27 Aug 2011
Updated 27 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ECIR
Authors Frans van der Sluis, Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd Hiemstra, Betsy van Dijk, Frea Kruisinga
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