

A Tutte-style proof of Brylawski's tensor product formula

13 years 6 months ago
A Tutte-style proof of Brylawski's tensor product formula
We provide a new proof of Brylawski’s formula for the Tutte polynomial of the tensor product of two matroids. Our proof involves extending Tutte’s formula, expressing the Tutte polynomial using a calculus of activities, to all polynomials involved in Brylawski’s formula. The approach presented here may be used to show a signed generalization of Brylawski’s formula, which may be used to compute the Jones polynomial of some large non-alternating knots. Our proof inspires a generalization of Brylawski’s formula to the case when the pointed element is a factor, yielding an unexpected connection to a well-known result on the uniqueness of minimum weight spanning trees in a weighted graph with distinct edge weights.
Yuanan Diao, Gábor Hetyei, Kenneth Hinson
Added 27 Aug 2011
Updated 27 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where EJC
Authors Yuanan Diao, Gábor Hetyei, Kenneth Hinson
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