

Market Microstructure: Can Dinosaurs Return? A Self-Organizing Map Approach under an Evolutionary Framework

13 years 4 months ago
Market Microstructure: Can Dinosaurs Return? A Self-Organizing Map Approach under an Evolutionary Framework
This paper extends a previous model where we examined the markets’ microstructure dynamics by using Genetic Programming as a trading rule inference engine, and Self Organizing Maps as a clustering machine for those rules. However, an assumption we made in that model was that clusters, and thus trading strategy types, had to remain the same over time. This assumption could be considered unrealistic, but it was necessary for the purposes of our tests. For this reason, in this paper we extend this model by relaxing this assumption. Hence our framework does not lie on pre-specified types, nor do these types remain the same throughout time. This allows us to investigate the dynamics of market behavior and more specifically whether successful strategies from the past can be successfully applied to the future. In the past, we investigated this phenomenon by using a simple fitness test. Nevertheless, a drawback of that approach was that because of its simplicity, it could only offer limi...
Michael Kampouridis, Shu-Heng Chen, Edward P. K. T
Added 28 Aug 2011
Updated 28 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where EVOW
Authors Michael Kampouridis, Shu-Heng Chen, Edward P. K. Tsang
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