

Warp that smile on your face: Optimal and smooth deformations for face recognition

13 years 6 months ago
Warp that smile on your face: Optimal and smooth deformations for face recognition
— In this work, we present novel warping algorithms for full 2D pixel-grid deformations for face recognition. Due to high variation in face appearance, face recognition is considered a very difficult task, especially if only a single reference image, for example a mug-shot, per face is available. Usually model-based approaches with additional training data are used to cope with several types of variation occurring in facial imaging. Image warping contrarily yields a distance measure which is invariant with regard to several types of variation. This allows for precise recognition even using only very few reference observations. Due to the computationally complex problem of optimal 2D warping, pseudo-2D warpingbased approaches in the past represented strong approximations of the original problem, and were mainly successful on data with low variability or rectified images. We propose a novel 2D warping method which is globally optimal and makes no prior assumtions on the data variabil...
Tobias Gass, Leonid Pishchulin, Philippe Dreuw, He
Added 28 Aug 2011
Updated 28 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where FGR
Authors Tobias Gass, Leonid Pishchulin, Philippe Dreuw, Hermann Ney
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