

A Note on the Complexity of Real Algebraic Hypersurfaces

13 years 6 months ago
A Note on the Complexity of Real Algebraic Hypersurfaces
Given an algebraic hypersurface O in Êd, how many simplices are necessary for a simplicial complex isotopic to O? We address this problem and the variant where all vertices of the complex must lie on O. We give asymptotically tight worst-case bounds for algebraic plane curves. Our results gradually improve known bounds in higher dimensions; however, the question for tight bounds remains unsolved for d ≥ 3. Key words. Algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces, triangulation, isotopy
Michael Kerber, Michael Sagraloff
Added 28 Aug 2011
Updated 28 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where GC
Authors Michael Kerber, Michael Sagraloff
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