

Knowledge compilation meets database theory: compiling queries to decision diagrams

13 years 5 months ago
Knowledge compilation meets database theory: compiling queries to decision diagrams
The goal of Knowledge Compilation is to represent a Boolean expression in a format in which it can answer a range of online-queries in PTIME. The online-query of main interest to us is model counting, because of its application to query evaluation on probabilistic databases, but other online-queries can be supported as well such as testing for equivalence, testing for implication, etc. In this paper we study the following problem. Given a database query q, decide whether its lineage can be compiled efficiently into a given target language. We consider four target languages, of strictly increasing expressive power(when the size of compilation is constrained to be polynomial in the input size): Read-Once Boolean formulae, OBDD, FBDD and d-DNNF. For each target, we study the class of database queries that admit polynomial size representation: these queries can also be evaluated in PTIME over probabilistic databases. When queries are restricted to conjunctive queries without self-joins, i...
Abhay Kumar Jha, Dan Suciu
Added 29 Aug 2011
Updated 29 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ICDT
Authors Abhay Kumar Jha, Dan Suciu
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