

Exploration of path space using sensor network geometry

13 years 6 months ago
Exploration of path space using sensor network geometry
In a sensor network there are many paths between a source and a destination. An efficient method to explore and navigate in the ‘path space’ can help many important routing primitives, in particular, multipath routing and resilient routing (when nodes or links can fail unexpectedly) as considered in this paper. Both problems are challenging for a general graph setting, especially if each node cannot afford to have the global knowledge. In this paper we use a geometric approach to allow efficient exploration of the path space with very little overhead. We are motivated by the recent development on regulating a sensor network geometry using conformal mapping [44, 45], in which any sensor network can be embedded to be circular (and any possible hole is made circular as well) and greedy routing guarantees delivery. In this paper we explore the freedom of a Möbius transformation inherent to this conformal mapping. By applying a Möbius transformation we can get an alternative embedd...
Ruirui Jiang, Xiaomeng Ban, Mayank Goswami, Wei Ze
Added 30 Aug 2011
Updated 30 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where IPSN
Authors Ruirui Jiang, Xiaomeng Ban, Mayank Goswami, Wei Zeng, Jie Gao, Xianfeng Gu
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