

Timing Analysis of Leader-Based and Decentralized Byzantine Consensus Algorithms

13 years 5 months ago
Timing Analysis of Leader-Based and Decentralized Byzantine Consensus Algorithms
—We compare in an analytical way two leader-based and decentralized algorithms (that is, algorithms that do not use a leader) for Byzantine consensus with strong validity. We show that for the algorithms we analyzed, in most cases, the decentralized variant of the algorithm shows a better worstcase execution time. Moreover, for the practically relevant case t ≤ 2 (t is the maximum number of Byzantine processes), this worst-case execution time is even at least as good as the execution time of the leader-based algorithms in fault-free runs. Keywords-distributed algorithms, Byzantine consensus, timing analysis
Fatemeh Borran, Martin Hutle, André Schiper
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where LADC
Authors Fatemeh Borran, Martin Hutle, André Schiper
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