

Deep transfer via second-order Markov logic

15 years 1 months ago
Deep transfer via second-order Markov logic
Standard inductive learning requires that training and test instances come from the same distribution. Transfer learning seeks to remove this restriction. In shallow transfer, test instances are from the same domain, but have a different distribution. In deep transfer, test instances are from a different domain entirely (i.e., described by different predicates). Humans routinely perform deep transfer, but few learning systems, if any, are capable of it. In this paper we propose an approach based on a form of second-order Markov logic. Our algorithm discovers structural regularities in the source domain in the form of Markov logic formulas with predicate variables, and instantiates these formulas with predicates from the target domain. Using this approach, we have successfully transferred learned knowledge between a molecular biology domain and a Web one. The discovered patterns include broadly useful properties of predicates, like symmetry and transitivity, and relations among predica...
Jesse Davis, Pedro Domingos
Added 17 Nov 2009
Updated 17 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICML
Authors Jesse Davis, Pedro Domingos
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