

Data exchange beyond complete data

13 years 6 months ago
Data exchange beyond complete data
In the traditional data exchange setting, source instances are restricted to be complete in the sense that every fact is either true or false in these instances. Although natural for a typical database translation scenario, this restriction is gradually becoming an impediment to the development of a wide range of applications that need to exchange objects that admit several interpretations. In particular, we are motivated by two specific applications that go beyond the usual data exchange scenario: exchanging incomplete information and exchanging knowledge bases. In this paper, we propose a general framework for data exchange that can deal with these two applications. More specifically, we address the problem of exchanging information given by representation systems, which are essentially finite descriptions of (possibly infinite) sets of complete instances. We make use of the classical semantics of mappings specified by sets of logical sentences to give a meaningful semantics to...
Marcelo Arenas, Jorge Pérez, Juan L. Reutte
Added 17 Sep 2011
Updated 17 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where PODS
Authors Marcelo Arenas, Jorge Pérez, Juan L. Reutter
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