Wikipedia’s article discussion spaces (“Talk pages”) form a large and growing proportion of the encyclopedia, used for collaboration and article improvement. So far there is no in-depth account of how article Talk pages are used, what is wrong with them, and how they can be improved. This paper reports on three contributions promoting the understanding of and improvement of these spaces: (1) Wikipedia editor interviews provide an increased understanding of readers’ and editors’ needs, (2) a large-scale comparative content analysis adds to knowledge of what kinds of discussions and coordination occur on Talk pages, (3) a prototype bookmarklet-based system, which we test in a formative user evaluation, integrates lightweight semantics. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Group and Organization Interfaces,Web-based interaction; H.4.3 [Information Systems]: Communications Applications Keywords Wikipedia, Talk pages, Collaboration, ...
Jodi Schneider, Alexandre Passant, John G. Breslin