

Automatic Construction of an Action Video Shot Database using Web Videos

13 years 2 months ago
Automatic Construction of an Action Video Shot Database using Web Videos
There are a huge number of videos with text tags on the Web nowadays. In this paper, we propose a method of automatically extracting from Web videos video shots corresponding to specific actions with just only providing action keywords such as “walking” and “eating”. The proposed method consists of three steps: (1) tagbased video selection, (2) segmenting videos into shots and extracting features from the shots, and (3) visual-featurebased video shot selection with tag-based scores taken into account. Firstly, we gather video IDs and tag lists for 1000 Web videos corresponding to given keywords via Web API, and we calculate tag relevance scores for each video using a tag-co-occurrence dictionary which is constructed in advance. Secondly, we fetch the top 200 videos from the Web in the descending order of the tag relevance scores, and segment each downloaded video into several shots. From each shot we extract spatio-temporal features, global motion features and appearance feat...
Do Hang Nga, Keiji Yanai
Added 12 Dec 2011
Updated 12 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ICCV
Authors Do Hang Nga, Keiji Yanai
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