

Emergent Social Learning Networks in Organizations with Heterogeneous Agents

13 years 2 months ago
Emergent Social Learning Networks in Organizations with Heterogeneous Agents
Two distinct learning mechanisms are considered for a population of agents who engage in decentralized search for the common optimum. An agent may choose to learn via innovation (individual learning) or via imitation (social learning). The agents are endowed with heterogeneous skills in engaging in the two modes of learning. When the agents choose imitation, they also choose whom to learn from. This leads to the emergence of a social learning network among agents in the population. This paper focuses on the impact the endowed learning skills have on the individual’s choice of learning mechanism as well as the micro and macro structure of the evolving network. Finally, it explores the impact the degree of environmental volatility has on the structure of such networks. Running Head: Emergent Social Learning Networks
Myong-Hun Chang
Added 12 Dec 2011
Updated 12 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Myong-Hun Chang
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