

Accurate and Practical Calibration of a Depth and Color Camera Pair

13 years 12 days ago
Accurate and Practical Calibration of a Depth and Color Camera Pair
We present an algorithm that simultaneously calibrates a color camera, a depth camera, and the relative pose between them. The method is designed to have three key features that no other available algorithm currently has: accurate, practical, applicable to a wide range of sensors. The method requires only a planar surface to be imaged from various poses. The calibration does not use color or depth discontinuities in the depth image which makes it flexible and robust to noise. We perform experiments with particular depth sensor and achieve the same accuracy as the propietary calibration procedure of the manufacturer.
Daniel Herrera C., Juho Kannala, Janne Heikkil&aum
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CAIP
Authors Daniel Herrera C., Juho Kannala, Janne Heikkilä
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