

Enabling parametric feasibility analysis in real-time calculus driven performance evaluation

13 years 12 days ago
Enabling parametric feasibility analysis in real-time calculus driven performance evaluation
This paper advocates a rigorously formal and compositional style for obtaining key performance and/or interface metrics of systems with real-time constraints. We propose a hierarchical approach that couples the independent and different by nature frameworks ofModular Performance Analysis with Real-time Calculus (MPA­ RTC) and Parametric Feasibility Analysis (PFA). Recent work on Real-time Calculus (RTC) has established an embedding of state­ based component models into RTC-driven performance analysis for dealing with more expressive component models. However, with the obtained analysis infrastructure it is possible to analyze components only for a fixed set of parameters, e.g., fixed CPU speeds, fixed buffer sizes etc., such that a big space of parameters remains unstudied. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by integrating the method ofparametric feasibility analysis in an RTC­ based modeling environment. Using the PFA tool-flow, we are able to find regions for component pa...
Alena Simalatsar, Yusi Ramadian, Kai Lampka, Simon
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Alena Simalatsar, Yusi Ramadian, Kai Lampka, Simon Perathoner, Roberto Passerone, Lothar Thiele
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