

LogSig: generating system events from raw textual logs

13 years 1 months ago
LogSig: generating system events from raw textual logs
Modern computing systems generate large amounts of log data. System administrators or domain experts utilize the log data to understand and optimize system behaviors. Most system logs are raw textual and unstructured. One main fundamental challenge in automated log analysis is the generation of system events from raw textual logs. Log messages are relatively short text messages but may have a large vocabulary, which often result in poor performance when applying traditional text clustering techniques to the log data. Other related methods have various limitations and only work well for some particular system logs. In this paper, we propose a message signature based algorithm logSig to generate system events from textual log messages. By searching the most representative message signatures, logSig categorizes log messages into a set of event types. logSig can handle various types of log data, and is able to incorporate human’s domain knowledge to achieve a high performance. We conduc...
Liang Tang, Tao Li, Chang-Shing Perng
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CIKM
Authors Liang Tang, Tao Li, Chang-Shing Perng
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