wking dtsets ville for peer reviewing of pulished doument nlysis methods or distriuting lrge ommonly used doument orpor for enhmrking re extremely useful nd sound prties nd inititivesF his pper shows tht they over only very tiny segment of the uses shred nd ommonly ville reserh dt my hveF e develop ompletely new prdigm for shring nd essing ommon dt setsD enhmrks nd other tools tht is sed on very open nd free ommunity sed ontriution modelF he model is opertionl nd hs een implemented so tht it n e tested on rod sleF he new intertions tht will rise from its use my sprk innovtive wys of onduting doument nlysis reserh on the one hndD ut rete very hllenging intertions with other reserh domins s wellF
Bart Lamiroy, Daniel P. Lopresti, Henry F. Korth,