

Information Visualization on Organized Crime Trials

13 years 6 days ago
Information Visualization on Organized Crime Trials
Today everyone on the Internet becomes an active writer. It is simpler than ever to produce and to share new knowledge on the net. Users risk to be overwhelmed by too much information. To handle unorganized data may involve a huge effort by people and this could lead to information overload. A promising way to face these problems is Information Visualization. This contribution is a report of using visuo-spatial reasoning to help sociology scholars to understand and to manage large amounts of textual data. We use a very interesting dataset, especially for sociologists and jurists, extracted from a collection of sentences of trials on organized crime activities in Sicily. We report the results obtained in so far clustering and visualizing data. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.m [Computer Graphics]: Miscellaneous—
Lorenzo Di Silvestro, Giovanni Gallo, Giovanni Giu
Added 19 Dec 2011
Updated 19 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Lorenzo Di Silvestro, Giovanni Gallo, Giovanni Giuffrida, Calogero G. Zarba
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