

Services Composition Model for Home-Automation peer-to-peer Pervasive Computing

13 years 2 months ago
Services Composition Model for Home-Automation peer-to-peer Pervasive Computing
—Collaborative mechanisms between services are a crucial aspect in the recent development of pervasive computing systems based on the paradigm of service-oriented architecture. Currently, trends in development of services computing are taking into account new high-level interaction models founded on services composition. These services make up their functionalities with the objective of creating smart spaces in which services with different purposes can collaborate to offer new and more complex functionalities to the user transparently. This leads to the creation of collaborative spaces with value-added services derived from the composition of existing ones. However, there are many aspects to consider during the development of this type of systems in pervasive spaces, in which the extensive use of embedded devices with limited characteristics of mobility, computing resources and memory, is a large handicap. This paper describes a model of services composition based on a directed acyc...
Juan A. Holgado-Terriza, Sandra Rodríguez-V
Added 22 Dec 2011
Updated 22 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Juan A. Holgado-Terriza, Sandra Rodríguez-Valenzuela
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